Business Success

Why You’re Not Generating The Sales You Desire đŸŽ±

Many business owners believe the most important thing for 2020 is sales. And that’s because sales solves a lot of problems. Perhaps, but in reality it also creates more challenges & opportunities. But for now we’ll focus on why businesses are not selling at the level they need to, or feel they should. 1st Question – Is this a lead generation problem or …

Why You’re Not Generating The Sales You Desire đŸŽ± Read More »

An Exit Strategy Is A Necessity đŸŽ±

We’re not talking about an escape room. We’re talking about an intentional path for a business owner or entrepreneur that can provide ultimate freedom. An exit strategy gives a business owner a way to reduce or liquidate his stake in a business and, if the business is successful, make a substantial profit Top reasons for exits typically are driven by one of the following: …

An Exit Strategy Is A Necessity đŸŽ± Read More »

The Top Frustrations For Business Owners

Are you among the many business owners/entrepreneurs who often feel as though they’re taking two steps backward? In Gino Wickman’s book, “Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business”, he outlines common frustrations. Five of these frustrations are: You don’t have enough control over your time, investors, the market, or your business – the business is …

The Top Frustrations For Business Owners Read More »

Building A Great Organizational Culture Starts With You

Organizational Culture has been said to eat strategy, execution, performance, and everything else for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Don’t you believe the perceptions, assumptions & beliefs of team members drive behavior? And don’t you believe the collective behavior of employees determines results? We’ve seen 1st hand with multiple clients the critical nature of establishing values …

Building A Great Organizational Culture Starts With You Read More »

The Leadership Quality That Destroys Organizations…

CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and business owners all strive, through leadership, to create the best organizations. Arrogance turns out to be one of the most often cited quality’s among leaders who destroy their careers, their businesses, and their dreams. Might you be self-sabotaging your organization? While confidence is a necessary quality of leadership, the best quality might …

The Leadership Quality That Destroys Organizations… Read More »

The Rolling Stones argue that ‘Time is on My Side’, BUT IS IT?

I believe the discipline of time management is the #1 challenge for most of us, but especially business owners. Do you say “yes” to that which is important, and ”no” to that which is not important? The biggest challenge is when we say ”yes” to issues that are perceived as urgent. Most urgent issues are created by others’ perceptions. “Time …

The Rolling Stones argue that ‘Time is on My Side’, BUT IS IT? Read More »

Are You On The Left or Right Side Of This Paradigm?

Not talking politics today, but leadership & business success. When you view the two paradigms below, which set of characteristics best describes you? For those with the desire and will to change, more _______ (fill in the blank yourself) is right in front of you. Do you need help to become the best you? Does your business need help to become …

Are You On The Left or Right Side Of This Paradigm? Read More »

Do you identify with the idea that your business can be better or more fulfilling?

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” Stephen Covey Do you believe that you should be working to live as opposed to living to work? Frustrated or stuck because of the inability to really go after opportunities?  Those opportunities could be increasing market share, diversifying products and/or …

Do you identify with the idea that your business can be better or more fulfilling? Read More »

Do You Have The Courage to Move Beyond ‘Stuck’?

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin 90% of businesses fail within 10 years. Those 10% who succeed, more often than others, choose the pain of discipline over the pain of regret. Where are you? Too many professionals …

Do You Have The Courage to Move Beyond ‘Stuck’? Read More »