Everyone needs a #coach, says @BillGates
Everyone needs a #coach, says @BillGates. Do you subscribe to this statement? http://ow.ly/N5sAY
Everyone needs a #coach, says @BillGates. Do you subscribe to this statement? http://ow.ly/N5sAY
#Brands gone great or bad because of their focus (or lack thereof) on the customer #experience (and quality & price) http://ow.ly/N5lUM
Walking the walk to create great #customer_experiences that are coordinated & consistent http://ow.ly/N56G9
4 P’s of #marketing have shifted to 4 c’s – community, content, conversation, conversion @simasays #AMA RVA – round this out with #connected
In past, co’s mktg depts would tell you about their brand; now #social_networking tells the world about their favorite & least brands #AMA RVA
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” – Zig Ziglar So when do you start the next chapter of #greatness?