Discerning whether you have enough sales
Discerning whether you have enough salespeople…how about the right #salespeople? Understanding the trade-offs… http://ow.ly/i4RMw
Discerning whether you have enough salespeople…how about the right #salespeople? Understanding the trade-offs… http://ow.ly/i4RMw
The best & most effective leaders are able to paint a compelling and inspiring picture of what the future will look like http://ow.ly/i4Rhu
Do you offer educational content on your website? More than 60% of small businesses do not. Need engaging site w/learning.
No relationship exists between #business #growth rates & amt. of vacation time taken by #owner; so do owners live to work, or work to live?
in #business planners believe they control their destiny & navigate to their vision; pessimists have no real vision, plan or belief
Those #business owners who have a #marketing #plan & monitor results grew at 30% faster rate than those who did not http://ow.ly/hXwd3
#success often is traced to #affirmation(s) one receives; affirmations boost confidence; everyone seeks acceptance-who can you affirm today?
#innovation starts from the outside edges, not the center of the firm. http://ow.ly/hyeUK
Imagine spending 20% of your resources (time, $$) in areas you fear the most – expect discomfort, excitement, rewards & real living!